Sell your property here emel to

Announcement of Phase 2 Project Green@islah at adjacent land next to Phase1, initial project estimates RM600,000.00. Now inviting local and foreign Muslim, individual, NGO or companies to participate. This is a piece of currently passive land to be converted to explosive commercial cum residential located in the vibrant expanding greater Klang Valley, get high return on investment email interest to Vcita

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The important of amal jama'ei

A lonely  sheep is most vulnerable to the wolf.

Lets sit-back for a while and think through some finer point of working in an organised group, Jamaah. Why we need to work in Jamaah, simply as individual we have many shortcomings and weaknesses that we will be able to make up each other in a Jamaah.

In our contact why we need to initiate hartanah islah is simply for the same reasons. Individually (as an average Muslim), capital wise we will not be able to do anything, nevertheless in a Jamaah we can pull our capital together we can do wonders, Insya'Allah.

Earlier today one of our Muslim brother just posted in the facebook his anger to a ruling party for letting a Muslim own land goes to auction without being helps or salvage. This is just one of many thousand cases that we were highlighted.. Should we remain calm and don't bother while the asset's owned by Muslim recently are less than 2% of the total world asset's.

It is really high time for us to consider seriously to pull our resources together to increase Muslim assets ownership and more critically to salvage some of the assets that already owned by Muslim from being sold or auctioned.

We at hartanah islah would like to provide the platform for us to work together, we welcome suggestion, comments and most importantly support from all the Muslim, be it individual, NGO or companies. Wallahualam.

Kepentingan amal jama'ei

Bebiri yang bersendirian amat terancam kepada serigala.

Ayuh kita renungi sebentar peri penting nya kita bergerak dalam Jamaah yang teratur. Selaku individu kia mempunyai terlalu banyak kelemahan dan kekangan dan semua ini boleh kita atasi bila kita menampung kelemahan dan kekangan satu sama lain dalam Jamaah.

Begitulah halnya mengapa hartanah islah perlu diwujudkan adalah diatas justifikasi yang sama. Selaku individu (golongan pertengahan Muslim) kita tidak mampu melakukan apa apa, namun secara Jamaah kita mampu menggembeling modal dan kemungkinan nya tidak terbatas, Insya'Allah.

Awal hari ini, seorang hamba Allah menyatakan ketidakpusan hati nya terhadap parti pemerintah kerana membiarkan sebidang tanah hak milik Muslim dilelong tanpa usaha menyelamatkan nya. Ini hanya satu dari beribu kes yang kita mungkin tidak ketahui. Pokoknya masihkah kita boleh merasa selesa dan berdiam diri dikala pemilikan hartanah Muslim didunia kurang dari 2%.

Sudah sampai masanya kita memikirkan secara serius usaha untuk menggembeling modal golongan pertengahan Muslim untuk menambah kadar pemilikan hartanah Muslim dan lebih kritikal untuk menyelamatkan aset yang telah dimilki dari terlepas.

Kami di hartanah islah berhasrat menyediakan platform untuk tujuan penggembelingan modal ini. Segala bentuk sokongan, dorongan dan teguran amat dihargai.

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