Sell your property here emel to

Announcement of Phase 2 Project Green@islah at adjacent land next to Phase1, initial project estimates RM600,000.00. Now inviting local and foreign Muslim, individual, NGO or companies to participate. This is a piece of currently passive land to be converted to explosive commercial cum residential located in the vibrant expanding greater Klang Valley, get high return on investment email interest to Vcita

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why muslim need to own assets

Dunia telah menyaksikan perkembangan dramatik walaupun ia dibayangi imej keganasan yang sedang melanda Timur Tengah. Pemilikan aset Islam di Asia dan Afrika berkembang, Earnst&Young melapurkan anggaran nilai nya sebanyak USD$1.1 trillion dan terus bertambah. Peningkatan ini nampak menyakinkan. namun nilai hartanah dunia kini meningkat naik, majalah the Economist menganggarkan nilai keseluruhan hartanah global sebanyak USD$75 trillion. Ini bermakna pemilikan aset islam secara global hanya sekitar 1.5% .

Melihat kepada kadar ini tiada siapa yang akan merasa selesa, penduduk islam yang mencecah 20% penduduk dunia hanya memiliki kurang 2% hartanah dunia. Individu muslim yang kaya dan terkenal mungkin akan terus mengumpul harta mereka, namun kerana jumlah mereka adalah kecil maka ia tidak akan mengubah perangkaan diatas secara drastik, malah ia terlalu kecil. Disinilah peranan kita muslim diperingkat pertengahan untuk menggembeling kemampuan kita, 1% dari kita berjumlah 14 juta orang, sekiranya setiap dari 1% ini menabung USD100 setiap bulan, nilainya boleh mencecah USD17 billion setahun. Dalam 10 tahun nilai ini boleh berkembang menjadi USD300 billion.

Oleh itu marilah kita para sahabat sekelian mula menabung dan menggembeling tabungan itu disini, Insya'Allah kita akan berjaya mencarta masa depan yang lebih baik bagi kita, Islam dan Syariatnya dimuka bumi ini.

The world has seen dramatically although hardly noticed by the televised daily violence in the Middle East, Asia and Africa is the growing value of Islamic-owned real estate in that part of the world. Ernst & Young places the estimated value at $1.1 trillion - and growing. The 2011 estimated value was $826 billion. The growth seems convincing, nevertheless globally, soaring real estate values have generated astonishing wealth. The Economist magazine calculated that the total value of residential property in developed economies has risen by three-quarters between 2000 and 2006 to almost $75 trillion. Thus the ratio of ownership by muslim worldwide, just by this simple look stood at only less than 1.5%.

Looking at this ratio, does anyone of us feel comfortable at all, muslim, 20% of the world population owned less than 1.5% of the real estate. The rich and famous muslim brothers and sisters will probably able to contribute and improve this numbers, but since they are also minority between the rich and famous the numbers won't move much. We the average muslim can contribute by sharing our resources through organised networking of this kind. If we combine our individual surplus monthly and put it in an organize manner we can contribute  better than the rich and the famous muslim. Just take 1% of us is able to pull our resources towards this that is 14 million people. If everyone of us contribute or invest USD100 every month that totaling up to 17 US Billion a year.  Taking annual increase of 5% in 10 years we should be valued not less than USD 300 Billion.

So brothers and sisters think this through, we will chart our growth path ourselves, don't let others do it for us, see  you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Does ownership of assets by muslim important, what does it means to us....
